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An Abridgment of the Public Statutes in force and use relative to Scotland from the Union, in the Fifth Year of Queen Anne, to the Twenty-Seventh year of His Present Majesty King George III, Inclusive
An Abridgment of the Public Statutes in force and use relative to Scotland from the Union, in the Fifth Year of Queen Anne, to the Twenty-Seventh year of His Present Majesty King George III, Inclusive
A System of Stiles, As Now Practised Within the Kingdom of Scotland, Consisting of Six Parts
A System of Stiles, As Now Practised Within the Kingdom of Scotland, Consisting of Six Parts
Analytical Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland etc 1867-1895. 3 Vols
Analytical Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland etc 1867-1895. 3 Vols
Session Notes (Notes of Cases in Court of Session, Justiciary, HL) 1925-1946
Session Notes (Notes of Cases in Court of Session, Justiciary, HL) 1925-1946