European Lawyer Ltd Corporate Governance: Jurisdictional Comparisons (2ed) The new 2nd edition of Corporate Governance: Jurisdictional Comparisons enables easy cross-jurisdict.. Product #: 9780414050303 Regular price: $229.00 $229.00

Corporate Governance: Jurisdictional Comparisons (2ed)


The new 2nd edition of Corporate Governance: Jurisdictional Comparisons enables easy cross-jurisdictional comparisons between the corporate governance regimes in 22 major jurisdictions around the world.

It deals with a broad range of governance topics in each jurisdiction, including shareholders, the board of directors, audit, directors’ liabilities, transparency, and social interest in corporate behaviour.

  • Provides up-to-date content for comparing corporate governance across major jurisdictions worldwide
  • Answers the key questions of multinational corporations and international investors
  • Features contributions from expert international lawyers
  • Uses a reader-friendly Q&A format that enables quick and easy cross-jurisdictional comparisons
  • Covers a wide range of subjects for each jurisdiction
  • Supplies practical, straightforward commentary on each jurisdiction and the respective legal systems
Publisher: European Lawyer Ltd
ISBN: 9780414050303
Author(s) Kawamura, A
Edition 2
Format Hb
Publication Date 30/07/2015