Bloomsbury Professional Flat Schemes in Residential & Mixed Use Developments (3ed) A combined and specialist reference source on the sale and management of flats, the 3rd edition of t.. Product #: 9781847662446 Regular price: $120.00 $120.00

Flat Schemes in Residential & Mixed Use Developments (3ed)


A combined and specialist reference source on the sale and management of flats, the 3rd edition of this practical book provides guidance on all areas of flat conveyancing from the points of view of the developer, landlord and flat buyer. It contains 40 precedents including leases, memorandum and articles of association of tenants' management company, agreements between developers and tenants' management company.

Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
ISBN: 9781847662446
Author(s) Quenby, R and Keegan, S
Edition 3
Format Pb + cd
Publication Date 30/12/2009