Routledge Cavendish Commonwealth Caribbean Employment and Labour Law This comprehensive text provides authoritative coverage of a wide-range of employment and labour law.. Product #: 9780415622523 Regular price: $69.99 $69.99

Commonwealth Caribbean Employment and Labour Law


This comprehensive text provides authoritative coverage of a wide-range of employment and labour law issues affecting the Commonwealth Caribbean. It offers comparative analysis of employment and labour law in the region with particular reference to Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, St. Lucia, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.

Against the backdrop of the umbilical link to English common law and the persuasive precedent of other Commonwealth jurisdictions, the authors highlight the increasing importance of this evolving area of law and the role it plays in developing Commonwealth Caribbean jurisprudence. Key topics they explore include:

• Employment Status and Terms of the Employment Contract

• Redundancy, Retrenchment and Severance

• Wrongful and Unfair Dismissal

• Industrial Action

• Emerging Issues such as internet usage, workplace monitoring, whistleblowing, data protection, sexual harassment

Commonwealth Caribbean Employment and Labour Lawwill be an essential resource for students reading Employment, Industrial Relations and Dismissal Law courses and an invaluable reference guide for human resource, industrial relations and legal practitioners in the Caribbean.

Publisher: Routledge Cavendish
ISBN: 9780415622523
Author(s) Corthesy, N and Harris-Roper, C-A
Edition 1
Format Pb
Publication Date 30/06/2014