Pearson Education Employment Law (7ed) Offering comprehensive coverage of all the key aspects of individual and collective employment law i.. Product #: 9781292001791 Regular price: $33.99 $33.99

Employment Law (7ed)


Offering comprehensive coverage of all the key aspects of individual and collective employment law in a clear and accessible way, Employment Law is the ideal text for the first-time student of employment law. Packed with a wealth of case law and legislation, this book will enable you to fully understand the intricacies of this fast-changing subject with ease. With features such as chapter summaries and further reading suggestions, Employment Law is well suited to support you in your studies.

Publisher: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9781292001791
Author(s) Sargeant, M and Lewis, D
Edition 7
Format Pb
Publication Date 28/02/2014