Sweet & Maxwell Evidence: The Fundamentals (2ed) Evidence - The Fundamentals introduces students to the principles of the law of evidence by way of c.. Product #: 9780414044593 Regular price: $28.95 $28.95

Evidence: The Fundamentals (2ed)


Evidence - The Fundamentals introduces students to the principles of the law of evidence by way of clear text combined with charts, grids and diagrams.

  • Seeks to explain not merely the rules and principles but also their provenance and continued utility
  • Includes full coverage of all topics likely to be studied on law of evidence courses at undergraduate level and ILEX level 6
  • Opens each chapter with a bulleted outline of the main concepts and ideas to be covered in that chapter and closes each chapter with a summary to recap the main points
  • Provides a question along with answer and answer tips at the end of each chapter
  • Uses charts, grids and diagrams to enable students to grasp complex legal principles with ease
  • Follows a new and improved layout with more pedagogical features than before, such as ‘Over to You’ boxes to truly engage students and get them thinking more critically about the subject
  • Assumes no prior knowledge of the subject - allowing the book to be used for those new to the subject and for distance learning courses
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell
ISBN: 9780414044593
Author(s) Huxley, P
Edition 2
Format Pb
Publication Date 30/09/2010