LexisNexis UK International Family Law Practice (6ed) As a consequence of the increased mobility of families between different countries, family lawyers a.. Product #: 9781784734770 Regular price: $302.49 $302.49

International Family Law Practice (6ed)


As a consequence of the increased mobility of families between different countries, family lawyers are now frequently faced with international issues arising in their cases. This major practitioner reference work provides comprehensive coverage of the international elements of English law, and includes all relevant source material.

With no other similar work in this area, this book is an indispensable guide for solicitors, barristers and the judiciary to this rapidly expanding area of law and practice. Covering practical and expert advice on related international matters at a time of unrivalled uncertainty.

What’s new for 2021:

  • Fully updated throughout, including the implications of the UK's final departure from the EU
  • Provides an unparalleled width of specialist coverage, with chapters dealing with key topics such as recognition of foreign marriages and divorce, financial provision after an overseas divorce, marital agreements, child abduction, child relocation, surrogacy, international adoption, enforcement, immigration issues and forced marriage
  • Useful practical chapters dealing with service, affidavits and statements of truth, evidence, cross border alternative dispute resolution, international judicial collaboration and legal aid
  • Indispensable appendices which not only contain the disparate relevant domestic and international legislation but also various Protocols and international Declarations
Publisher: LexisNexis UK
ISBN: 9781784734770
Author(s) Hodson, D
Edition 6
Format Hb
Publication Date 30/08/2021