W Green & Son Law of Health & Safety at Work in Scotland (2ed) The second edition of this practical and concise introduction to the law of health and safety at wor.. Product #: 9780414013759 Regular price: $59.00 $59.00

Law of Health & Safety at Work in Scotland (2ed)


The second edition of this practical and concise introduction to the law of health and safety at work in Scotland sets out the common law, statutory provisions and European materials applying to health and safety in the workplace.

Written in a thoroughly approachable style, The Law of Health and Safety at Work in Scotland takes into account the adoption of EU Directives on health and safety at work and the recent revisions implementing domestic regulations dealing with, among other things, management of health and safety at work, display screen equipment, manual handling of goods, work equipment, working time, substances hazardous to health, construction design and management of workplace, public interest disclosure and human rights.

Publisher: W Green & Son
ISBN: 9780414013759
Author(s) Craig, V and Miller, K
Edition 2
Format Pb
Publication Date 01/03/2000