ww norton Disorder in the Court: Great Fractured Moments in Courtroom History In America's courtooms, the verdict is laughter. Sit back and enjoy a collection of verbatim exch.. Product #: 9780393319286 Regular price: $9.99 $9.99

Disorder in the Court: Great Fractured Moments in Courtroom History


In America's courtooms, the verdict is laughter.

Sit back and enjoy a collection of verbatim exchanges from the halls of justice, where defendants and plaintiffs, lawyers and witnesses, juries and judges, collide to produce memorably insane comedy.

A: You mumbled on the first part of that and I couldn't understand what you were saying. Could you repeat the question?

Q: I mumbled, did I? Well, we'll just ask the court reporter to read back what I said. She didn't indicate any problem understanding what I said, so obviously she understood every word. We'll just have her read my question back and find out if there was any mumbling going on. Madam reporter, would you be so kind? 

Court Reporter: Mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble.

Publisher: ww norton
ISBN: 9780393319286
Author(s) Sevilla, C
Format Pb
Publication Date 01/07/2010