Hart Publishing Ethics and Conduct of Lawyers in England and Wales (3ed) This is the third edition of the leading textbook on legal ethics and the regulation of the legal pr.. Product #: 9781849466691 Regular price: $45.00 $45.00

Ethics and Conduct of Lawyers in England and Wales (3ed)


This is the third edition of the leading textbook on legal ethics and the regulation of the legal profession in England and Wales.

As such it maps the complex regulatory environment in which the legal profession in England and Wales now operates. It opens with a critical overview of professional ideals, organisation, power and culture and an examination of the mechanisms of professions, exercised through governance, regulation, discipline and education. The core of the book explores the conflict between duties owed to clients (diligence and confidentiality) and wider duties (to the profession, third parties and society). The final part applies lawyers' ethics to dispute settlement (litigation, negotiation, advocacy and alternative dispute settlement).

Now written in a more accessible format and style, the book is ideal reading for those teaching and learning in the field of legal ethics.

Publisher: Hart Publishing
ISBN: 9781849466691
Author(s) Boon, A
Edition 3
Format Pb
Publication Date 30/11/2014