Claritax Books Tax Appeals - Law and Practice at the FTT (4ed) A clear guide to the procedures involved in taking a case to the Tax Chamber at the First-tier Tribu.. Product #: 9781908545879 Regular price: $85.00 $85.00

Tax Appeals - Law and Practice at the FTT (4ed)


A clear guide to the procedures involved in taking a case to the Tax Chamber at the First-tier Tribunal, written by an experienced barrister who appears frequently in the Tax Chamber and the higher Courts. Referring to well over 200 case precedents, the author invariably brings out the practical implications for other Tribunal users.

On the one hand, the book provides detailed technical analysis of the legalities underpinning the tax appeals process. On the other, it offers guidance on procedural matters and on such practical issues as dress code, the typical layout of the room and the order in which the parties speak.

New material for this edition includes:

  • ten top tips for avoiding misunderstandings;
  • stricter enforcement of Tribunal rules;
  • unreasonable conduct;
  • witness examination;
  • time limits;
  • costs orders;
  • the Scottish tax Tribunals
1. Overview of the book
2. Preliminary matters and internal reviews
3. The Tribunal Procedure Rules
4. General powers and provisions under the rules
5. Procedures before a hearing
6. The directions stage
7. Procedures at a hearing
8. At the hearing – practical considerations
9. Procedures after a hearing
10. The Scottish tax Tribunal
Appendix 1 – Allocation of HMRC decisions to the Chambers of the First-tier Tribunal
Appendix 2 – Allocation of Tax Chamber cases to the different categories
Appendix 3 – Constitution of Tribunals in particular case
Appendix 4 – Transitional rules
Appendix 5 – Specimen statement of agreed facts and issues
Appendix 6 – Specimen witness statement
Appendix 7 – Specimen skeleton argument
Appendix 8 – Useful websites
Table of primary legislation
Table of statutory instruments
Index of Tribunal rules
Index of Upper Tribunal rules
Index of cases
Publisher: Claritax Books
ISBN: 9781908545879
Author(s) Gordon, K
Format Pb
Publication Date 30/07/2019